To App or Not To App, That Is The Question
A mobile application or “mobile app’ is a piece of software that is designed to run on smart phones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. Apps were originally intended to help people become more productive, like a calendar , email and databasing contacts, but have since developed in a much wider range of uses and opportinities.
Some of those include games, GPS, order tracking, banking and even ticket purchasing. Some apps are free while you need to subribe for pay for other apps. There are no so many apps available that magazines devote a lot of space reviewing and ranking them.
The benefit of getting an app developed rather getting a mobile website ( a version of your existing website that cane viewed and has full functionality on your phone), is three fold.
In May of 2012 a comScore study said that mobile app usage was now actually higher than web browsing, at 51.1% and 49.8% respectively.